Benefitting From Counseling
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Benefitting From Counseling

Unfortunately, I had a pretty traumatic childhood. My parents were always fighting, and I was faced with trying to decide what to do about my own personal feelings. When I got older, I knew that I needed to do something to relieve the stress that I was feeling even many years later, so I started focusing on going to counseling. My first few appointments were a little nerve-racking, but the counselor worked hard to make me feel comfortable. I was really impressed with how gentle and kind she was, and I felt really great about the progress I was making. This blog is all about benefiting from counseling.

Benefitting From Counseling

Treatment for Childhood Eating Disorders Includes Treating Trauma

Ron Henry

Eating disorder treatment is complex. This is why there is no one way to address eating disorders. Each person is different with different physical and emotional needs, and treatment needs to be just as unique as the people being treated. This is why treatment for these disorders involves trauma treatment.

If you have a child who has an eating disorder, treating trauma is a major component of treatment. This is how treatment for each eating disorder works.

Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia is one of the most dangerous eating disorders due to the low body weight of patients who come in. In fact, many cases of anorexia have been fatal, which is why treatment is essential for those with the condition. Medical treatment occurs before trauma therapy. Anorexia treatment often begins with medical treatment. This is meant to help prevent damage caused by severe weight loss and low weight.

Trauma therapy will follow. Your child's treatment is likely to involve individual therapy, but he or she may also attend group therapy or family therapy to discuss their concerns and build a support network among others who have experienced trauma.

Treatment for Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia is also dangerous and involves bingeing and purging practices. Medical treatment may be required, as is nutritional counseling. You may also receive counseling as the parent so that you understand your child's mental and biological health concerns.

Psychological treatment is also involved in getting help to patients. In treatment for bulimia, your child will learn healthier ways to maintain a healthy body weight, and they will also learn to cope with any triggers that trigger a bingeing or purging desire. Often, these triggers are linked to serious trauma that needs to be addressed in a mental health capacity.

Treatment for Binge Eating

Binge eating disorder often involves compulsive eating. Compulsive eating is frequently linked to emotional or psychological concerns, and addressing triggers and underlying issues will be crucial to developing a treatment plan. Trauma can cause a variety of coping mechanisms, and binge eating could be one of them.

Often, binge eating disorder comes with mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. Treating these issues first and foremost will be an important part of getting the help you need to live a healthy and happy life. Individual therapy and group therapy are part of this plan, helping your child address painful traumas and more.

Get Help for an Eating Disorder

Getting help begins with contacting a treatment provider. Eating disorder treatment often requires addressing trauma once the health concerns are cared for. Your child deserves a healthy future. Consult with a professional to discuss trauma and eating disorders, as well as available trauma treatment for youth programs. 
