Benefitting From Counseling
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Benefitting From Counseling

Unfortunately, I had a pretty traumatic childhood. My parents were always fighting, and I was faced with trying to decide what to do about my own personal feelings. When I got older, I knew that I needed to do something to relieve the stress that I was feeling even many years later, so I started focusing on going to counseling. My first few appointments were a little nerve-racking, but the counselor worked hard to make me feel comfortable. I was really impressed with how gentle and kind she was, and I felt really great about the progress I was making. This blog is all about benefiting from counseling.

Benefitting From Counseling

  • Tips For Getting Through The Holidays Without Seeing Your Therapist

    4 January 2017

    Many times during the holidays, people are in crisis, and your therapist might be booked to the point where he or she cannot see you right around Christmas. Your therapist also might be taking time off to be with his or her family during this time and might not have any appointments at all. The problem with this for you is that you might be having a hard time around the holidays.

  • Depression Interfering With Your Holiday Cheer? 4 Steps To Help You Cope With The Season

    29 December 2016

    If you suffer from depression, the holidays can be a difficult time of year. Coping with the feelings you're experiencing can seem like a full-time job, especially during the holiday season. Don't let things get out of control. Here are four tips that will help you cope with depression during the holidays. Make a Budget Depression can lead to overspending, especially when you're trying to find a way to overcome the feelings you're experiencing.

  • Three Tips For Overcoming A Drug Addiction

    16 December 2016

    Battling a drug addiction on your own can be very difficult. There are many people who relapse time and again because they do not have the support they need to stick with the recovery process. If you are battling a drug addiction, use the guide below to learn the steps to take to overcome your addiction. Be Willing to Meet with a Counselor When you battle a drug addiction, you need to be willing to talk to a counselor about your addiction.

  • 2 Tips to Afford Mental Health Services as a Former Service Member

    7 November 2016

    Mental health issues like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder affect not only regular everyday people but also former service members. Mental health issues will require immediate attention. This is difficult to do when some mental health care services are not covered by insurance. Therefore, it can be difficult to afford to see a mental health counselor or seek mental health treatment. Paying for these services out of pocket can quickly put you into debt.

  • How To Avoid Costly Mistakes During A Sexual Harassment Investigation

    28 October 2016

    A poorly conducted investigation can damage a company's reputation and cost the company financially. Companies are responsible for doing an unbiased, thorough investigation when an employee makes a complaint about sexual harassment. One in three women between the ages of 18 to 34 has been sexually harassed at work. Sexual misconduct makes working conditions hostile. It also put indirect pressure on the victim to leave his or her job. As an employer, you have the legal obligation to maintain a workplace free of sexual harassment.